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Audio posts. Posts with Sound.

Chidi Afulezi
Members Public

Impact On Education

#Amplify HQ fellows Sophia, Gomolemo, Caroline and Osarode took to the streets and spoke to educators about how they were affected by the pandemic.

Zaqi Alibhai
Members Public

Afro Fem Coders

Zaqi Alibhai speaks to a young dynamic woman from Uganda, Gloria Tumushabe, about why she decided to take a stand against gender disparities in tech by teaching the next generation of women from across the continent how to code.

Members Public

She's Fit

Amplify Fellows Stephanie, Blessing, and Caroline speak with She's Fit founder, Faith Okoroegbe about the transformative nature of exercise and how it has helped her and those that she teaches overcome their mental and physical struggles.

Chidi Afulezi
Members Public

The Coffee-Woman

Nasra Bwana shares the story of 90-year-old Inyamwenye Omar, who speaks about her passion for her village's decades-old coffee tradition.

Zaqi Alibhai
Members Public

HQ Africa: Vaccine Watch

We tap into HQ sources and partners that give us insight into what's happening on the continent's vaccine front. Here are this week’s highlights.

Chidi Afulezi
Members Public

Changing Minds, Changing Lives

Zaqi Alibhai speaks with young trailblazer, Nima Kassim, about her battle to win over her community in the coastal region of Kenya through the initiative she founded which seeks to empower women, combat gender based violence and educate about sexual reproductive health.

Zaqi Alibhai
Members Public

The Investor's Investor

Zaqi Alibhai speaks with Jeremiah Maangi, CEO and founder of Bizin Africa, one of the continent's premier firms working to bring investment to Africa.

Zaqi Alibhai
Members Public

The Sounds of Sasaab

Three of Kenya's most talented musical minds have come together to create a one-of-a-kind project which aims to work with different communities around the country to fuse centuries-old traditional music with contemporary beats.

Chidi Afulezi
Members Public

Book Bunk Trust and their Archeology of Kenya's Past

Zaqi Alibhai interviews Syokau Mutonga and Sahar McTough of BookBunk Trust in Nairobi about their work in three branches of Nairobi’s McMillan Memorial public libraries.

Chidi Afulezi
Members Public

Checking In w Kenyan Producer Carol Kathurima

Zain Verjee calls up friends on the African continent and checks in on how they're doing after a tough year.